Ghana Electronic Procurement System

Opened Bid Details

Tender Title: food stuffs-(supplementary) (Status: Evaluation)
Closing Date:
09/07/2024 10:00
Bid opening date:
09/07/2024 10:30
Sorted ascending Sort descending
Lot Name
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Supplier Name
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Bid ID
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Financial Value (GHS)
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Bid Security Provided
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Bid Security Value
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FDR Terms
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Bid Status
sardine and Tin-tomatoes Single AGRIFIN ENTERPRISE 14246 103.31 N/A 0.00 Opened
sardine and Tin-tomatoes Single JAKSAM ABS COMPANY LIMITED 14207 116960.00 N/A 0.00 Opened
sardine and Tin-tomatoes Single SEEKTRUST COMPANY LIMITED 14205 127200.00 N/A 0.00 Opened
sardine and Tin-tomatoes Single O.TAJU ENTERPRISE 14122 115481.60 N/A 0.00 Opened
Cooking oil and long grain rice Single AGRIFIN ENTERPRISE 14246 128000.00 N/A 0.00 Opened
Cooking oil and long grain rice Single JAKSAM ABS COMPANY LIMITED 14207 98600.00 N/A 0.00 Opened
Cooking oil and long grain rice Single SEEKTRUST COMPANY LIMITED 14205 113750.00 N/A 0.00 Opened
Cooking oil and long grain rice Single O.TAJU ENTERPRISE 14122 126880.00 N/A 0.00 Opened
Maize and others Single AGRIFIN ENTERPRISE 14246 56340.00 N/A 0.00 Opened
Maize and others Single JAKSAM ABS COMPANY LIMITED 14207 - N/A Opened
Maize and others Single SEEKTRUST COMPANY LIMITED 14205 - N/A Opened
Maize and others Single O.TAJU ENTERPRISE 14122 71656.00 N/A 0.00 Opened