Ghana Electronic Procurement System

Opened Bid Details

Tender Title: 1. Construction of Old Ahinsan to Ahinsan Estate Road. (Status: Evaluation)
Closing Date:
31/07/2023 10:00
Bid opening date:
31/07/2023 10:30
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Supplier Name
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Bid ID
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Financial Value (GHS)
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Bid Security Provided
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Bid Security Value
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FDR Terms
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Bid Status
Single BHA LIMITED 5981 8561410.00 true 175000.00 0.00 Opened
Single M. GYEBI COMPANY LIMITED 5977 17649524.00 true 175000.00 0.00 Opened
Single DONCROSS VENTURES 5967 9522030.00 true 175000.00 0.00 Opened
Single HASIANDA ENTERPRISE LIMITED 5964 10518130.00 true 175000.00 0.00 Opened